“Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience,” created by Daniel Clarkson and Jeff Turner (above), will make its way to the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center on Nov. 17.
Melissa Nunez
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Grab your wand, owl, school robe and flying car because “Potted Potter: The Unauthorized Harry Experience” is coming to the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center on Nov. 17.
The magic began in 2005 when creators Daniel Clarkson and Jeff Turner were asked to condense the plot of the first five Harry Potter books into a five-minute show, entertaining fans waiting in the street for the midnight release of the then-upcoming sixth book in the series.
“I think for Cal Poly students, many of whom are of the age who they probably grew up either having the Harry Potter books read to them or reading the Harry Potter books,” Cal Poly Arts Director Steven Lerian said. “It will be a very fun crazy trip down memory lane.”
In 2006, the show expanded in length and parodied the first six books in the series. The show eventually included all seven books by 2007.
Currently in the midst of its U.S. tour, the current cast is composed of British actors Delme Thomas and James Percy. Percy plays Harry Potter and Thomas plays everyone else.
Pop culture fills the show, with not everything being Potter-related.
“It really is a whole family show,” Thomas said. “It is a show for everybody.”
But, of course, there are always hardcore Harry Potter fans in the audience.
“Every show, we have there people dressed up in their Harry Potter gear or in their Hogwarts costume, so it’s really lovely to see that people are really embracing the piece and going with it,” Thomas said.
One feature that is always a fan favorite is the live game of Quidditch that happens halfway through the show, in which the audience can participate. The show is filled with multiple costume changes, songs, props, magic and audience interaction. There is also a lot of improvisation, which can keep the audience engaged, Potter fan or not.
“If an audience likes to laugh, they will love the show,” Thomas said. “Every time people watch it, it’s entirely a whole different show.”
The first showing of the 70-minute show is at 2 p.m. and the second is at 5 p.m. Tickets are available at pacslo.org. Wizards and muggles (non-wizards) are all welcome.