Twenty-seven campus groups will gather to celebrate diversity through the songs, dances and foods of the world at CultureFest on Nov. 19.
The event will be held at the Veteran’s Hall, on the corner of Mill and Grand streets, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“Diversity is such a touchy subject on this campus. It’s important for us to have a venue to showcase the diversity that Cal Poly does have,” said music senior Christine Nasol, who is the chair of CultureFest.
Omega Xi Delta, an Asian interest group on campus, will perform a cultural step that tells the story of the Asian struggle, from the hardships of Filipino immigrants to the Japanese internment during World War II. Soul Speak Poetry Collective will perform a “Twisting Tongues” exhibition.
Persian Students of Cal Poly, the Pilipino Cultural Exchange, the Cal Poly Dance Team and four other campus groups will also perform cultural dances. Several groups will have food available.
In its ninth year, CultureFest is also expanding into the community at large. Local group, Mary Donnelly’s World Dance Company, will perform an Arabian Belly Dance. The Claddagh Society, based in Morro Bay, will perform an Irish dance. There will also be a petting zoo and a coloring contest that is open to all elementary school students in San Luis Obispo County.
In addition, Cornel Morton, vice president for student affairs, and provost and Vice President of academic affairs William Durgin will speak at CultureFest.
“The purpose of CultureFest is to bring viewpoints and cultures together and know that there are differences but we’re coming together and getting to know other cultures and perspectives. Part of the college experience is opening one’s eyes to new experiences,” said general engineering senior Ian Valencia, who is campus relations chair of CultureFest and a member of Omega Xi Delta.
CultureFest is run through Cal Poly’s Multicultural Center, which seeks to spread cultural awareness throughout Cal Poly through programs and speakers. Department coordinator Renada Campbell said though the percentage is small, diversity does exist at Cal Poly. She said that CultureFest helps showcase that diversity.
“CultureFest brings to light that there are other cultures in this town and in celebrating these cultures, you’re celebrating what America was founded on. America isn’t a homogenous republic, neither is San Luis Obispo,” she said.