Jonathan Drake
mustang daily
With the start of the fall quarter, the Cal Poly Arts organization has already planned programs and performances through most of the academic school year, including the comedic routine, The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
Cal Poly Arts describes the act, which shows at 8 p.m. on Saturday Oct. 15, as being full of “political satire and droll wit.” The Washington Post added that it’s, “Fresh and perfectly timed…hilarious as ever.”
Brothers Tom and Dick currently appear in the movie “The Aristocrats,” now playing nationwide. The brothers have been in the show business for 46 years.
“Cal Poly hasn’t had much good stand-up comedy in the past,” said Steve Ciccarello, a materials engineer who graduated last year. “Sure there was Dave Chappelle, but I just wasn’t interested in going.”
The Smothers Brothers have been on tour since Aug. 18 and won’t take a break until Saturday, Nov. 27.
“I’ve heard of the Smothers Brothers before, a friend of mine saw them once and liked the show,” said Matt Walker, a mechanical engineering senior.
The 2005-2006 art season starts with three artists in the Rockin’ Blues Revue this Sunday evening, and a season kick-off barbecue before the start of the performance. Robben Ford, Eric Bibb John Mayall, and the Bluesbreakers are set to appear.
Brothers and blues music, however, are not the only performances this year Ballet fans treated can attend the Aspen Santa Fe Ballet on Sunday, Oct. 9, who are considered “a breath of fresh air” according to the New York Times.
Not to be missed is the Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. Fans of Mark Twain’s novels may have seen Rogers play the part of Hank Martin, the main character in the movie adaptation of “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.”
The Will Rogers Follies is “part vaudeville, part inspiring memoir, and all luscious razzle-dazzle – a fitting tribute to the life and times of America’s Favorite son,” according to a Cal Poly Arts.
Shimabukuro has performed music by Jimi Hendrix and Beethoven with a slight twist, using a Hawaiian Ukulele, translated into English as the jumping flea. Hawaiian legend says that the original players of the Ukulele moved their hands as fast as a jumping flea.
Bridgewater will be performing a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, dubbed “The First Lady of Song.” Fitzgerald passed away in 1996, but her music has been immortalized and heard throughout swing dances with songs including music by famous jazz artist Louis Armstrong.
Dave Gorman’s “Googlewhack! Adventure” rounds the ending corners of January with a comedic documentary of obscure internet phenomena. Gorman will perform Tuesday, Jan. 24, to Saturday, Jan. 28.
On Sunday, Feb. 12, John Cleese, actor from the famous Monty Python cult classics such as the
“Search for the Holy Grail and the Meaning of Life,” and more recently Nearly Headless Nick from the movie adaptations of the Harry Potter books will perform a comic monologue.
The Black Watch and Band of the Welsh Guards will be appearing at Cal Poly Sunday, March 5 with their 94-member bagpipe and drum band.