Nov. 5, 16:38 – A subject who had unknowingly been administered drugs in their drinks while at a party last weekend spoke with officers concerning the matter.
Nov. 2, 18:33 – On notification a calf was loose in the area of the Beef Unit Pavilion, UPD communications notified responsible parties.
Nov. 1, 23:33 – Officers attempted to contact three skateboarders on campus. The skateboarders fled the area but were eventually apprehended. All three were arrested for evading a police officer and received citations for skateboarding on campus.
Nov. 1, 16:14 – An approximately 35-year-old male named “Michael” loitered in the area of the University Union and paid particular attention to a female working in the area, causing her to feel uncomfortable. The subject followed the female from the UU toward the north end of the campus core. During that time he approached and hugged the subject, causing her further anxiety.