Cal Poly’s 14th Annual Open House is lifting anchor this year from April 19 to 21, encouraging students to discover the unknown, chart their course and set sail on the three adventure-themed days aimed at introducing Cal Poly to prospective students.
“We chose the theme of ‘Explore Cal Poly: Begin Your Adventure’ in May after last year’s Open House. We chose basically to showcase how Cal Poly brings out so many opportunities and options in peoples lives,” Open House 2007 Co-Chair Allie O’Leary said. “When they come to Cal Poly they are just starting their adventure and their new life in college.”
Each day promotes the “Begin Your Adventure” theme and has a different highlight and numerous activities to get the word out to students who are thinking of attending Cal Poly, as well as providing some information and a dash of fun to the community and current Cal Poly students.
Thursday, April 19, kicks off the weekend with Club Preview Night at Farmers’ Market, titled “Discover the Unknown.” This leads to the mainly academic Friday, a day to “Chart Your Course.” Prospective students will be introduced to the different colleges and the academics offered by each college. The day will ease up as the sun goes down with the Friday Night Invite in the University Union.
“There will be free music and pizza with free bowling,” O’Leary said. “The rock wall will be out as well as an art center.”
This all leads to Saturday’s activities on the “Set Sail” day with the Poly Royal Parade,
the Kids’ Fair, the truck and tractor pull and the rodeo.
“This day is open to the public and starts with the Poly Royal Parade,” O’Leary said of the parade that will start at 9 a.m. at Grand and Perimeter, moving towards Via Carta.
Parade participants include the Mustang Band, ROTC and any club that would like to publicize with a float, by carrying banners, dressing up and more. The Grand Marshal this year is Monica Schechter, associate director of Study Abroad and International Programs, who will lead the parade by car.
“(The parade) leads into opening ceremonies on Dexter Lawn,” O’Leary said. This will be a showcase of over 200 clubs and organizations passing out information and goodies.
“Student Life and Leadership will have a booth that includes the Multicultural Center, the Pride Center, the Women’s Center, Greek Life, Student Community Services, Commencement, sports clubs and the orientation program. We will have our banners and T-shirts will be available,” said Renoda Campbell, coordinator for the multicultural programs.
Along with the club showcase, there will be a Kids’ Fair from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the UU, inviting “people from the San Luis Obispo community, professors, staff and students to come and bring their families,” O’Leary said. There will be a bounce house, face painting, games, performances by Zoo to You, Dr. Magic and more.
More information about the events and scheduling can be found online at www.studentlife.calpoly.edu or by calling (805) 756-7576.