Dear Ms. Colombini,
Congratulations on being elected by the students of Cal Poly to serve as our Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) president next year! Your passion and commitment to the student body has shone through, and now you will be our elected representative.
You were moving into Fremont Hall your freshman year when I first saw your name tag on the wall.
“Colombini! I know Jason Colombini; are you his sister?”
That was the first impression, but as time went on there was no more “Jason’s sister.” It was just Jana. Weeks after we first met, you began to grow so much respect in our college, started to serve our community in incredible ways and worked hard to make an impact on every person you came across.
You have been committed to Cal Poly for years now, and you deserve the title of one of the loftiest positions on campus. I am confident you will fulfill the duties of the ASI president very well.
Jana, there is no doubt that you are Cal Poly proud. Our university means so much to you, and you want to make sure every student graduates from our school feeling loved, safe and accepted. Now, more than ever, we need to be united as a campus and find a common cause that all Cal Poly can care about.
In this position as ASI president, it is very easy to get caught up in the same old day-to-day activities: attending meetings and responding to emails. This role is so much more than that. People want to see you at events on campus, talk to you about their problems and know that you are connected to what is going on with the student body.
You are naturally a people person, and because of your inherent skills, you are needed at the most opportune time to connect students with each other, the city and the state. You are a great fit for this role.
Lastly, in this role, you will be the sole representative of students in many situations. For this reason, it is extremely important that you communicate constantly with the students to increase transparency. Inform yourself on the needs of the students and represent them well. Students need a strong voice representing them, and you naturally fit this expectation well. Your confidence has been displayed in all of your actions, and I know the students will be so thankful for your leadership next year.
Though this may sound overwhelming to handle, you do not have to do this alone. This is the time for you to surround yourself with skilled, committed individuals that will help you have the most successful year possible. Next year will be the most fun, difficult and humbling experience yet. I will be here for you through it all, as well as our predecessors.
Congratulations once again, Jana. It is an honor to pass down the legacy of the ASI president to you.
Owen Schwaegerle