Click here to view Mustang Daily video interviews with the ASI presidential candidates.
Last week we urged you to vote in the ASI elections for the 2007-08 president and Board of Directors.
And 25.5 percent of you did.
Now it’s time to go to the polls once again. The run-off for ASI president will be this Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and we urge you to vote once more for Brandon Souza or Matt Taylor.
Your vote counts more than you may think. There was only a 30-vote difference between Arvand Sabetian and Taylor in last week’s election, which determined who would be in the run-off against Souza.
Candidates for ASI president have to obtain 50 percent plus one of the overall vote to win, and run-offs are quite common when more than two candidates are running.
But don’t just show up at the polls; educate yourself.
Talk to the candidates about what issues are important to them this week at their booths in the University Union and on Dexter Lawn.
Visit mustangdaily.com and check out video of the candidates talking about the issues that are important to students like safety, graduation evaluations and more.
You can also visit the candidates’ Web sites at souzapalooza.com and matthappens.com to learn more.
Vote Wednesday in the University Union, Cotchett Education building or in front of the Agricultural Science building.
We’ll see you there!
Editorials reflect the opinion of the Mustang Daily editorial staff.