Cal Poly music professor Craig H. Russell has been named as one of the 2007 recipients of the California State University Wang Family Excellence Award.
The Wang award, established in fall 1998, celebrates “those CSU faculty and administrators who through extraordinary commitment and dedication have distinguished themselves by exemplary contributions and achievements in their academic disciplines and areas of assignment.”
Russell, a composer, music historian and renowned guitar and lute player, received the Visual and Performing Arts and Letters portion of the award.
The award honors four CSU faculty and one administrator with $20,000 awards annually for 10 years.
Russell teaches a variety of courses at Cal Poly, ranging from introductory survey classes to Mozart and ’60s pop.
He was also one of two recipients in 1994-95 who were chosen from the 22 CSU campuses to receive the CSU’s highest honor, the CSU Trustees’ Outstanding Professor Award. He was the sole professor selected as the 1994-95 recipient of the Outstanding Professor Award at Cal Poly.