As I was tuning in and out of the Academy Awards, I couldn’t help but question why it still exists. More importantly, I couldn’t understand the immense amount of concern surrounding it. Is it really necessary to have hours of “Red Carpet Countdowns”? Is it truly necessary to hear the word “Marchesa” come out of Jennifer Lopez’s mouth when asked about her gown? It’s not like the viewers could go out and purchase it tomorrow.
What have these people done to “deserve” our undivided attention, as well as money? Hollywood rakes in $40 BILLION a year, yet we have little to show for it except the stacks of gossip rags at the doctor’s office.
I’m not saying movies don’t hold some intrinsic value. But is it right to have romantic comedies week after week, essentially all with the same premise, make enough money to support some third world countries? Don’t get me wrong, I go to the movies as well. It’s great to escape in film for a few hours but there is a definite point at which the adoration of celebrities should halt.
When “American Idol” gets twice as many viewers as the State of the Union Address on the same night, well, I think it’s time we reorganize our priorities. It’s time to drop People and pick up the Times, and read about what’s going on in the real world.
Conner Johnston
Architectural engineering sophmore