Florida recount, Katherine Harris, “Bin Laden determined to attack within the U.S.,” “Bush Doctrine,” no WMD, the “last throes of the insurgency,” “Mission accomplished,” no post-invasion planning, George Tennet’s “slam dunk,” Rumsfeld’s five month war, their Medals of Freedom, corruption, Tom DeLay, fake journalist Jack Gannon, Jack Abramoff, Randy “Duke” Cunningham, Ted Stevens, scandal, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, secretive government, Rove, Cheney, rendition, secret prisons, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Halliburton, Blackwater, KBR, signing statements, recess appointments, John Bolton, stove-piping information, “Kenny Boy” Lay, Enron, John Yoo and the “quaint” Geneva Accords,” legalizing torture, Harriet Myers’ and Rove’s refusal to testify, “executive privilege,” belief in a “unitary executive,” the “disappearance” of administration e-mails, Terri Schiavo, unsigned Kyoto accord, obstacles to stem-cell research, denial of global warming, systemic incompetence, Hurricane Katrina, “heckuva job” Brownie, telecom surveillance of citizens and immunity for spying, suspension of habeas corpus, political firing of U.S. Attorneys, Monica Goodling, Alberto “I don’t recall” Gonzalez, outing of Valerie Plame, Scooter Libby’s conviction and Bush’s pardon, Walter Reed Hospital scandal, gargantuan national debt, dismantling government oversight and regulation, K-street lobbyists, offshore banking, tax loopholes, tax-cuts for corporations, bailouts for bankers and billionaires, attempts to privatize social security, failing economy, bankruptcies, home foreclosures, soaring health care costs, unemployment, “nation of whiners,” exploding poverty rate, imploding stock market, job loss, stop loss, no body armor, denial of PTSD treatment, multiple and extended tours of duty, Diebold, paperless trail, vote caging, voter suppression, fewer allies, more enemies, Bin Laden still not captured. Had enough? Vote!
Craig Russell
music professor