I have been involved in politics since early in high school, and have spent many years engaged in debate with intelligent, well-informed people. So naturally, when I come across the headline “New law against feeding homeless in Orlando” (Feb. 1) the words I choose to describe my reaction are tactful and articulate: “Are you f-ing kidding me?!?”
What a spectacular idea. Let’s try to make the hungry even hungrier! How could any good possibly come of this? Yes, homelessness is a problem for which we must work to find solutions. But outlawing the act of feeding the homeless in hopes that they will somehow disappear is equivalent to the idea that destroying all hospitals will put an end to our problem of sick people.
One person cited even goes so far as to say, “Feeding the homeless just encourages more homelessness.” Great thinking. I’m sure all the people living on the streets do so because they enjoy living the easy life – free leftovers and a rent-free cardboard condo.
Sure, there’s a good chance you’ll end up freezing to death while sleeping on the sidewalk, but isn’t such a responsibility-free lifestyle worth the risk? The only way to end homelessness is to fight the poverty that causes it, not to round up the homeless and keep them somewhere out of sight.
Andy Scott
Mechanical engineering junior and co-director of the Progressive Student Alliance