Intramural Sports.
Just what are they? Who can play? When and where do they take place? Is there a fee?
According to Associated Students Inc.’s Web site, Intramural Sports are “organized leagues and tournaments for women, men and co-rec teams which are offered for a variety of sports during each quarter. Games are played once a week, with a single-elimination playoff at the end of the season for qualifying teams.”
Greg Avakian, program coordinator for Intramural Sports at the Cal Poly Rec Center, offered definitions for both Intramural and Intermural Sports.
“‘Intra’ basically means that you’re playing within your own campus community,” Avakian said. “It’s a recreational league and you play against fellow students, faculty and staff of Cal Poly. ‘Inter’ means that you can actually have a chance to play other universities in the CSU or UC system.”
Avakian estimated that in terms of sheer volume, teams as well as students run into the hundreds each quarter.
“We’ll get about 300 to 320 teams involved every quarter, which totals around 4,000 students,” Avakian said.
As for those students who wish to register for a given sport, Avakian said that registration can be done online through the ASI Web site as well as in person at the Rec Center.
“All of the information is there usually two to three weeks prior to the upcoming quarter,” Avakian said. “We do online and in person registration by the end of the first week of the new quarter.”
The IM Sports FAQ sheet is a good reference for what is available. It contains a listing of the main sports offered on a quarter-by-quarter basis.
In the fall, five-on-five basketball, dodgeball, flag football, six-on-six soccer, softball and volleyball are offered.
In the winter, four-on-four basketball, five-on-five basketball, dodgeball, four-on-four indoor soccer and volleyball are available.
The spring season carries five-on-five basketball, flag football, nine-on-nine soccer, softball and singles tennis.
According to the IM Sports Handbook for 2007, three divisions of play are available – Division I (highly competitive), II (recreationally competitive) and III (more relaxed).