Intolerance and ignorance are problems that slant violence in the Middle East to present anyone non-Jewish, (including the 20 percent of Palestine that is Christian) as a bloodthirsty barbarian. Unfortunately, there are members in this community, such as Sam Goodly, who use statistics to mislead people rather than understand societal development in a historical context. Feudalism was one of the most violent periods in history: Europeans killing each other over land! Sound familiar? The United States was formed after millions of British, American, Confederate, Union, Native-American, and African-American casualties. History shows us that the development of a region is not bloodless, and that leaders will gather support with everything from spiritual to monetary incentives. Regions of Africa and the Middle East are emerging from colonialism, facing the obstacles of post-occupation.
Believe it or not, there are Israelis who condemn the murder of Palestinian civilians and displacement from their homes. FACT: The Israeli Committee Against House Demolition aides in the reconstruction of demolished Palestinian homes on Israeli occupied land.
The events that have been organized by clubs advocating Arab equality address the reprehensible actions of the Israeli and American governments. FACT: Palestine is illegally occupied by Israel in breach of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. FACT: American cluster bombs were used by Israel in the assault of Beirut this past July. The citizenry of Israel and America become accomplices to their governments when they fail to recognize these facts.
Ian Muir
Materials engineering junior