I am always on the run with school, work and an avid social life and I feel like I never have time or the energy to eat well. By the time I get home from a full day of classes, I’m starving and exhausted! Even 30 minutes of cooking seems way too long for me, so I end up stuffing my face with Cheez-its and ordering pizza. Help! Is there any hope for this busy college student?
– Busy and starving student
Dear busy and starving student,
You’re definitely not alone. It’s hard for everyone to find the time to eat well, especially while both on a budget and lacking extra energy. As college students, we lead extremely busy lives and sometimes our nutrition pays the price. Many people think that cooking healthily has to cost a ton and take forever to prepare. Not necessarily. Try planning ahead for your day by packing healthy snacks for class so you don’t turn into starvation central by dinner time. Try an apple with some almonds or a banana and yogurt. Who knows, it might actually help you from falling asleep in your statistics class too . wait, let’s not get carried away. Here, I included a healthy dinner recipe that takes about 10 minutes to prepare and won’t break the bank. Voil…, dinner is served, and you still have time to watch an episode of “The Office.” Bonus!
Mexican Enchiladas
1 can red kidney beans, drained
1 can chopped, peeled plum tomatoes, drained
1 can sweet corn, drained
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 finely chopped red onion
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp Tabasco
Large bunch of coriander, finely chopped
5 oz. low-fat cream cheese
8 whole wheat flour tortillas
1. Place the olive oil and the red onion in a warm pan and allow the onion to soften for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and red kidney beans and stir together. Allow to cook for 1-2 minutes.
2. Add the tomatoes, sweet corn and Tabasco and continue stirring. Allow to cook for another 3 minutes. Finally, add the coriander and leave to cook for another minute.
3. While the bean mixture cooks, take the tortillas and place them under a hot grill for a minute to warm. When ready, spread some cream cheese on each of the tortillas.
4. Spoon the bean mixture into the middle of each tortilla and fold to eat.
Sarah Bailey is a nutrition senior, a Mustang Daily nutrition columnist and a member of PULSE (Peers Understanding Listening Speaking Educating), which provides students with information on nutrition, exercise, drugs and alcohol. If you have any nutrition or health-related questions, please send them to slbailey@calpoly.edu.