The Cal Poly University Police Department and the San Luis Obispo County DUI Task Force will crack down on motorists driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs this Saturday on campus.
As part of the Avoid the 14 Project sponsored by a grant from the Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, university police will take no excuses and will arrest anyone who is believed to be driving impaired.
“We want to remind everyone that Avoid the 14 is still out there, not to drink and drive, and always have a designated driver,” said Erin Taylor of the San Luis Obispo County DUI Task Force.
“We want people to go out and have a good time, but we also want to prevent tragedies.”
The Avoid the 14 Project involves 14 local law enforcement agencies in the county to fight driving under the influence.
The campaign is named to encourage motorists to “avoid” being arrested for a DUI by not drinking and driving, Taylor said.
The project targets three holiday periods of the year – Memorial Day, Labor Day and winter holidays from Nov. 21 to Jan. 1.
There is an ongoing effort to catch impaired drivers, but the three holidays are when there is an influx of tourists and motorists to the area, Taylor said.
The time of the checkpoint has not yet been determined, Taylor said, and information won’t be available until two hours prior to the checkpoint.
A DUI checkpoint was held on campus earlier this year near Alex G. Spanos Stadium, where law enforcement made no arrests.
“The zero arrests show that students are using their heads,” Taylor said. “Students showed support and were glad there was a checkpoint. Students don’t want fellow students to drink and drive.”