Wow, Ryan Moriarty, I now feel dumber after reading your letter to the editor (Oct. 15). Thank you for wasting my time and everyone else’s with the statement “Taylor Scott is a big stupid dummy.” This argument against Scott’s anti-global warming article (Oct. 10) is rife with reason, logic and profound thought. The only contention that you present is that Scott should “try looking at peer-reviewed sources.”
Well, not only did he look at them, he also included them in his column. It was at the bequest of the editorial staff that he replaced specific sourcing for more generic terms, the type of terms an individual of your intelligence could actually read.
However, the larger problem, which you have illustrated here, is that there are peer-review sources supporting both sides of the debate. Anyone so closed-minded as to not even entertain an opposing point of view is a dullard worthy of losing their children to K-Fed. The simple fact of the matter is that GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCIENTIFIC THEORY! Gravity is a scientific fact; it has been tested bazillions of times (really, it has). Global warming is not a fact; it has not been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, empirically or otherwise. While we as human beings like to be egotistically driven and assume that we know all, we as a species do not.
Science has procedures in place. Anyone who passed eighth grade science knows what I am presenting is true: global warming, manmade or otherwise, has not yet met this burden. Yet, it seems that just because people have drummed “the sky is falling” into our collective consciousness, those who still disagree should just bend over backwards and kiss their rosy red one goodbye.
Recorded temperature and history have not been around all that long in comparison to the span of time earth has been around. Maybe before we make hot-headed judgments based on about 500 years of temperature recordings, we should cool off and realize that, regardless of who is right or wrong, this issue is far from becoming a fact set in stone. I would hope that before we rush to judgment and start throwing out fallacies, we as a society will take a step back, think for ourselves and use logical and reasoned debate.
Ian Nachreiner is an agriculture science senior.