Several student groups showed up in force Wednesday night to protest the showing of “Islam: What the West Needs to Know.” Director Greg Davis came to Cal Poly to introduce and answer questions about the film, which is associated with the “nationwide Islamo-fascism Awareness Week.”
Members from the Cal Poly Democrats, Muslim Student Association and Students for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (SJPME) stood outside Philips Hall and displayed signs in protest.
“He has no degree in religious studies – it’s a question whether he even knows a Muslim person,” SJPME president Marya Mikati said of Davis. “He’s never read the Koran in its original language.”
“We’re trying to raise awareness about how biased the event is . it portrays all Muslims as terrorists,” Cal Poly Democrats president Erica Janoff said. “It’s information based on fear.”
The event was put on by Cal Poly College Republicans, and member Brian Eller said the event was meant to show a different point of view. “I’m against extremism in any form,” he said.
The club’s adviser, psychology professor Laura Freberg, supported the club’s decision to put on the event. “We’re a political club,” she said. “If you don’t want controversy, join the ski club.”