I think advances in tattoo removal will change the world.
Gone will be the days when the ridiculous tattoos you got in college will survive until they become an embarrassment to your grandchildren. Soon it will cost just about the same amount to remove your tattoo as it did to get it. Once the bane of the man or woman trying to change their image, with their new-found impermanence, it won’t be long until the standard erotic body art becomes even more common. Look for:
The classic tramp stamp
The placement of a tattoo either centered on the lower back or spreading across it, hip to hip. This tattoo is very widespread, despite the fact that society has decided that having one means you’re a whore. It may remain entirely above the waist of your pants, entirely below or dip in and out, but any version will attract the eyes to the region directly below it. However, there’s a good chance that it will be visible in public, unless mom jeans become more popular.
The reverse tramp stamp
This tattoo is almost identical to the original, except the placement is between the belly button and the genitals. Like the classic, it is designed to direct the eye downward.
Scattered hip or butt tattoos
Possibly the most tasteful, these are usually guaranteed to be visible only when you have removed your pants. These tattoos don’t necessarily point anywhere, but like a broach on an old woman’s shirt, they provide a tasteful and pleasant accent to the area.
Communication tattoos
These signs originated with tramp stamps, which would only communicate the owner’s (perceived) promiscuity. The communication tattoo does this, and so much more, by spelling out a message that you would like your sexual partner to see. They can be found in many locations, such as the lower back (perfect for doggy-style anal or vaginal sex), above the genitals (for receiving oral sex) or upside down on the shoulders (for performing oral sex). If you’re really slutty, you may consider reminding your partner of your name in this space; the practical might consider a helpful arrow.
Tattoos on your actual genitals
OK, I’ll admit that I’ve never been tattooed, but it’s my understanding that ordinary tattoos hurt a lot. However, once you decide to tattoo your lips, rib cage, foot, hand, eyeball or pubic area, you have left behind the right to claim, “It hurt, but it wasn’t so bad.” These zones all have tons of nerve endings, and tattoos there cause pain I can’t even imagine enduring. In addition, altering this area becomes very personal, as most people are quite attached to this region as it is.
Although genital tattoos can be of an abstract design, the human mind is creative. A penis, vagina, anus or even a nipple can look like a great many things, and the genitals can be home to some of the funniest tattoos. The hilarity does tend to make the sexiness of the design go down. It would be pretty humorous and even a little hot to have sex with some dude who has emblazoned his tool to look like an actual nail (or a screw). However, like any joke, it will cease to be funny after approximately five tellings.
Then you’ll just have to be content with his stunning personality.