Civil engineering student Cristian Suarez was arrested on charges of driving under the influence early this morning after crashing his car in Poly Canyon Village (PCV).
University Police arrested Suarez, 22, “after he lost control of his vehicle on Village Drive near the lower Poly Canyon Village parking structure around 1 a.m.,” university spokesperson Matt Lazier said in an email.
Suarez was booked into county jail but was released around 7:45 a.m. without having to pay bail after promising, in writing, that he would appear in court.
There were no injuries. Suarez declined to comment.
Lazier was unable to comment on specific disciplinary actions the university may be taking because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
On Thursday morning, there was caution tape, cones and a sign indicating that the wreckage was the result of drunk driving.
This post will be updated as we receive more information.