While the presidential election of 2004 may have turned some people away from politics, it sparked interest for Zach Austin. The political event led Austin to become politically conscious.
Austin found himself a liberal and a democrat dedicated to changing the current political structure, his reasons including the current administration’s catering to corporations, their unwillingness to check on Bush and disregard for America’s core values.
Austin, 20, is the president of the Cal Poly Democrats club.
The political science junior says the position is kind of clich‚, but it’s true. Last fall, Austin became involved with the club and after the residing president stepped down, Austin ran unopposed.
“I really don’t think that cheapens my win,” said Austin.
Austin said if he had to choose a politician to be like, it would be Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) because Austin says that Feingold was the first to stand up to the Bush administration and vote against going to war in Iraq. Like Feingold, Austin strongly disagrees with the Bush administration’s actions against weakening Americans’ civil liberties.
“That issue I hold dear to my heart,” he said.
Austin is a man who walks a straight line; as a member of the straight edge movement, Austin made a vow to never drink or do drugs. A tattoo of an “X” on his right calf ensures his word.