A flier went up on facebook Monday, warning that a “libelous duplicitous racist hatemongering war criminal” is coming to Cal Poly.
Wow, isn’t that nice. Turns out that this hatemongerer is Daniel Pipes, a conservative Jewish man who is one of the most well-respected terrorism analysts this country has to offer. Of course, since Pipes is a Zionist Israel-and-America-loving Jew, Muslims on campus are up in arms and ready to protest.
Wake up, Cal Poly! Their Muslim friends at UC Irvine just recently shouted Pipes down, saying, “Our weapon, our jihad, our way of struggling in this country is with our tongues. We speak out . and this is the best we can do right now. And our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world, they’re handling business in their own way. May Allah give them strength.”
Before long, their tongue-wielding may turn into weapon-brandishing. I would like to point out that these same Cal Poly Muslims brought in their own radical last year – Amir Abdel-Malik Ali. Besides threatening the non-Muslim crowd with impending worldwide Muslim domination, he prophesied the violent takedown of the world’s banks (Islam is against interest) and was eager for the day that a green Muslim flag will stand on top of the White House. Yet my Jewish friends and I (a Christian) let him talk and didn’t protest. Maybe we should have.
Brian Crawford
Architectural engineering senior