Another major part of campus closed as as part of Cal Poly’s Master Plan. The second floor of the University Union (UU) began its remodel on Oct. 1 with the closure of Chumash Auditorium.
The renovation was expected to last until March , but the reopening date was pushed back to Fall 2020, according to Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Public Relations Coordinator Dora Mountain.
The updates to Chumash Auditorium are just one part of the $5 million plan for the UU’s second floor. As part of the master plan, ASI will renovate Chandler Lounge and the TV lounge area by upgrading furniture and seating in those areas. According to Mountain the project is funded by financial reserves and will not impact student fees.
Chumash Auditorium is the largest venue in the UU and is commonly reserved for career fairs, banquets, guest speakers, live entertainment and large student activities. The space is equipped with a full sound system and stage, and sees hundreds of reservations every year from some of the university’s largest events to club meetings.
The auditorium has not undergone a large-scale renovation since the building opened in 1971. ASI said the goal of the projects is to improve the function of the space and to modernize the amenities available for those using it.
“Upgrades needed were identified through a variety of information-gathering sessions, as well as addressing requests from users of the space,” Mountain said.
She said ASI’s goal is to increase the opportunities for students using those spaces and to modernize a vital center of Cal Poly’s campus. Additions to Chumash auditorium are expected to include a new stage, display monitors, rear projection, new stage and house color spotlights, video-streaming capabilities and wireless improvements.
As project planning progresses, expansion of amenities will increase the opportunities for student space throughout the building. In the meantime Cal Poly Recreation Center Multi-Activity Center (MAC) is designated as the alternative event venue during construction.