Cal Poly ranked in the top 25 public and private universities in the West, climbing in the rankings from last year.
The Mustangs ranked No. 24 for the best public and private universities in the West in the Forbes list of America’s Top Colleges 2019 — jumping ahead of more than 10 schools from last year’s No. 37 ranking.
Forbes complies their list of schools based on student experience, academics, and success after graduation. Some factors include student debt, student satisfaction, and graduation rates.
According to a Cal Poly news release, graduates earn an average starting salary of $65,600 which rises to an average of $119,500 for those 10 or more years into their career.
Forbes also named Cal Poly the best public-master’s university in California and No. 7 among best California public universities.
The Mustangs are ranked 28 among best public universities in the nation.
Among the 650 public and private universities listed in the 12th annual America’s Top Colleges List, Cal Poly sits at number 115 — up from last year’s number 137.