Campus Market is now accepting CalFresh payment on approved items.
Students develop loyalty program for Julian’s Cafe to promote sustainability
The SLOstainable Loyalty Program includes a Julian’s loyalty card that awards users a free beverage for purchasing 10 drinks using a reusable cup.
Cal Poly student wins CSU Trustees’ Award, $6k scholarship despite challenges
A biological sciences senior who faced childhood homelessness and dyslexia received the $6,000 scholarship for outstanding achievement.
Cal Poly Rose Garden will be rejuvenated in memory of beloved professor
A new fence that is being built around the Cal Poly rose garden will be dedicated to the memory of Horticulture Professor Dan Lassanske, who died a year ago.
Cal Poly students win first, second and third place in CSU Media Arts Festival
Three Cal Poly students swept the top three Screenwriting awards at the 29th annual California State University (CSU) Media Arts Festival in Los Angeles Nov. 13.