Elias Atienza is a history senior and Mustang News opinion columnist. The views expressed in this column do not reflect the viewpoints and editorial coverage of Mustang News. On Sept. 27, Mustang News reported that Cal Poly’s lawyers sent a letter…
Why I’m no longer a Republican
Atienza explains he does not want to align with any party because parties are what is wrong with our nation.
Woodrow Wilson’s internationalism versus Thomas Jefferson’s realism
The Jeffersonian dream of conquering the continent was realized long ago; becoming the Empire of Liberty is currently on hold.
Trump’s foreign policy in the 21st century
Atienza argues that Trump has had some major foreign policy successes, but more failures.
Another racist action at Cal Poly
Atienza argues that while blackface is racist, it was a nonviolent act and is therefore protected under the First Amendment.
Perspectives: Gun control
Dean and Atienza write about their views on gun control relating to toxic masculinity, feminism and sensationalism.
End the war in Afghanistan
The Taliban may never win, neither will we. It will be a stalemate killing thousands if it doesn’t end.
The Berlin Wall has been down longer than it has been up: What does it mean?
Atienza argues walls represent political failure to effectively rule a country’s citizens.
Don’t kill the filibuster
Atienza argues the filibuster brings critical issues to light and keeps the majority party in check.
Sexual Assault vs. Party Loyalty
We must face the degeneracy that has run rampant in pop culture and politics for too long
Honoring Veterans Day
It’s not just a day off, it’s a day to honor those who risked everything to fight for America.