Cannon Ball, North Dakota is not the place most people would choose to spend their winter breaks. For starters, winter temperatures in Cannon Ball often drop below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Clashes between law enforcement, Native American tribes and protesters created…
How the election is taking a toll on students’ mental well-being
The political aftermath has caused many students pain, but there are ways to combat this post-election stress and anxiety.
Cal Poly Extended Education hosts Coding for Kids workshop
The program allowed the young students to create things like applications and social media quizzes.
Hate speech, again: insensitive messages written on free speech wall
In reaction to the wall, a gathering to support community and social justice is scheduled to take place on Dexter Lawn Friday night at 6 p.m
Hollywood to Cal Poly: Kinsman twins seek the Cal Poly college experience
Brent talks calmly and professionally, with precision and charisma. It’s clear he’s comfortable in front of a camera.