Public health freshman Taylor Eng had her door halfway open when a knock and a stranger introduced himself as Nishanta “Nishi” Rajakaruna. He is not only a resident in yakʔitʸutʸu living community, but an associate professor in the Biological Sciences…
UPD uses decoys to catch adults buying alcohol for minors in statewide operation
UPD assists in underage drinking operation that reveals adults buying alcohol to minors among other violations.
Cal Poly’s Faculty in Residence pilot program allow students the opportunity to connect with professors outside the classroom
The occasional distant echo of a door slamming shut followed by footsteps running down the corridor past his apartment had biological sciences sophomore Andrew Frauenpreis in wonder.
Holocaust survivor and Anne Frank’s stepsister will share her story with Cal Poly
A historic evening with Holocaust survivor, Eva Schloss will be traveling from London to Cal Poly.