A lawsuit against the California State University (CSU) to prevent the 20 percent fee increase approved by the CSU board of trustees is still awaiting legal judgment.
A $564 million deficit as a result of the current state budget crisis caused the CSU board of trustees to increase fees in July.
Travis Donselman of San Bernardino State University and Samantha Adame of San Francisco State University filed the suit in August on behalf of all CSU students, claiming the university has violated its contract by increasing the amount due for classes after already setting a price for fall classes.
Requiring the CSU to reverse the fee increase would cause Cal Poly to reduce its operating budget by $18 million instead of $10 million. Detrimental consequences for each CSU campus would surely follow, including a reduction in classes and services to students.
No new legal developments have been made after a preliminary injunction to disable the fee increase was denied by Superior Court Judge Peter Busch on Aug. 31.
For more information, see an earlier article on the suit.