This day is marked on your calendar. It is the day we all look forward to when we get tired of our classes and begin looking forward to the next quarter. It is the day PASS opens.
We can’t wait to make the list of possible schedules and plan out how we will fulfill our course requirements. We even base some of our decisions on the hope of getting the class during a later quarter.
Wouldn’t this process be easier if you knew which classes would be offered each quarter for the whole year?
The answer is yes.
Well guess what? There is a resource that offers this information, Why didn’t I know this when I started college?
Although my registration has been relatively easy at Cal Poly, it would have been useful in many situations to compare the course offerings of different quarters when making decisions.
I attended SOAR before I started school, and they went over PASS and CPReg to help familiarize the new students with the class registration process. Why did they not tell us about this useful tool? Is there a reason this is not being shared with the student population?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I do know that from now on I will be using in conjunction with PASS when planning my classes for future quarters, and I will be telling everyone I know that it exists.