San Luis Obispo police responded to a report of robbery at gunpoint at Mustang Village Apartments Tuesday night, the San Luis Obispo Tribune reported.
The incident occurred at 200 Santa Rosa St. where three suspects allegedly entered an apartment to rob occupants of narcotics, the article said.
The San Luis Obispo Police Department declined to offer additional details because the incident is still under investigation.
Mustang Village is an off-campus housing complex for Cal Poly and Cuesta College students located just west of the Cal Poly campus.
Christine Medzyk, general manager of the student housing, said neither the San Luis Obispo Police Department nor the residents involved notified Mustang Village management of the incident. Her staff didn’t hear about the alleged robbery and assault until it appeared in local media.
Mustang Village management doesn’t plan to take any action until they receive a confirmed report from the SLOPD that the incidents did, in fact, take place.
“To take action based on speculation, that’d be illegal,” Medzyk said.
So far, she said, no residents have inquired to management about the alleged assault.
“If it did happen, it was personalized and targeted,” Medzyk said. She said that because it was probably not a random act of violence, residents shouldn’t be alarmed.
Sergeant Janice Goodwin of the San Luis Obispo Police Department said that fictitious claims of violence do sometimes occur.
“It does happen, but as for the frequency of it, It’d be difficult to venture a guess,” Goodwin said.
Typically when dangerous situations occur near the apartments, Mustang Village and San Luis Obispo Police Department send out a notification to all residents, Medzyk said. The notifications usually include safety tips.
“We always tell the residents to keep the doors locked and not to answer for strangers,” Medzyk said.
In terms of night security, Mustang Village employs courtesy patrol officers to assign after-hours parking permits, help residents who get locked out, respond to noise complaints and notify the police department for emergency situations. The courtesy patrol had no involvement in Tuesday’s alleged robbery.