The story begins in Phoenix, when Bill Whalley, an entrepreneur, comedian, and musician, transformed the sandwich deli he worked at into his own independent sandwich shop. Bill was the kind of man who put his heart and personality into everything…
Nuclear Power’s Role in Reducing Climate Change
During Californians for Green Nuclear Power’s program on Oct. 15th, the group will present an overview of recent developments in California and host special guests.
Your guide to Fall fraternity and sorority recruitment
During the first 3 weeks of classes, each chapter will be hosting events that are open to potential new members.
Where did piercings come from?
From earrings to naval piercings and gauges to nose rings, many of us enjoy embellishing our faces and bodies with piercings as a form of self-expression. Even though many people today view piercings as a trendy way to enhance features,…
Woodstock’s Pizza opens “The Backyard” for 40-year anniversary
Woodstock’s Pizza’s new “ultimate backyard experience” is set to open and entertain San Luis Obispo community members. The Sept. 27 Grand Opening Community Party presents The Backyard, the chain’s expansion which includes a brand new backyard area sporting picnic tables, games, fully-refurbished…