Ryan Hunter
7 Articles0 Comments

Mothers are not baby factories, give them rights

There has been a lot of discussion on Dexter Lawn and in the University Union the last several days. Some of it good, some of it bad, and some of it clearly not well thought out. Today, I heard something…

Long on words, short on facts

I would like to respond to Mr. Coury’s commentary concerning America, war and business. Though seemingly palatable on the surface, one doesn’t have to look very far into his arguments to find that he is not only lacking facts to…

A few arguments against illegal immigration

There are many arguments for allowing undocumented workers in America; here are some against illegal immigration. Though illegals immigrants contribute to the economy, they lower working wages for American workers. Why is it that some business owners violate the law…

A not so gentle reminder

In the commentary Monday concerning the new movie about the heroic efforts of Americans to deter Islamic extremists from flying a plane into a building, Ms. Marschall made it seem that any American who wants to relive the “tragedy” is…

Attention illegal immigrants

All right, now I’m pissed off. I don’t know about how other people feel about this, but I am about ready to go postal over this issue of illegal immigration. These little rallies they have been having over the last…

We can never know the moment cognitive thought is achieved

Ms. Glasgow wrote a very interesting article concerning the brain development of a fetus and postulated that to kill a fetus with a developed brain is killing a human. Though insightful, I find one major problem with the argument: How…

Get over it

All right, now that they’ve all had their fun being completely belligerent to nonbelievers around the world, I think it’s time for Muslims to get over it. Just because somebody insults the founder of their religion is no reason for…