Just for the record, Mr. Acosta, I am well aware that Semper Fidelis is the Marine
'SUPPORT OUR TROOPS': Just a slogan to Bush
Although I am against the current war in Iraq, I have the highest level of respect and
California and its love of tax cuts
Being from the Bay Area, I was saddened to hear that the city of Vallejo decided to
Getting back to the basics
For the past few weeks, the national dialogue in this country has been a delusion. People
The liberal media ain't that liberal
Barack Obama is a crappy bowler, Hillary Clinton is really rich, and the White House
A crude welcome back
The era of cheap oil is over. This statement shouldn’t come as a surprise to most of you,
Hey, Nader: Denial ain't just a river in Africa
2008 is shaping up to be a Democratic year, but even Republicans deserve a bit of good
Can you hear me now? The answer better be no
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would trade in their freedom for protection deserve neither.” That quote appropriately
It's not about Obama vs. Clinton
After “Super Tuesday,” tensions between Barack Obama supporters and Hillary Clinton
Mission Accomplished: Surge
Republicans have been crowing recently about the “progress” we’ve been making in Iraq as a
In 2008, "it's the economy, stupid"
Several weeks ago, I wrote an article explaining that the economy is in bad shape