Olivia Doty
30 Articles0 Comments

Today's Top 5: From a purple campus to a struggling diversity

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] 1. 40 years later, Cal Poly still struggles with diversity In the 1970s, Cal Poly had the largest population of black students it has ever seen, with a total of 285 students — that’s 2 percent,…

Today's Top 5: From ASI election to revamped registration

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] Time flies by, so make sure not to miss the moments that made Today’s Top 5. 1. Live blog: ASI election coverage Yesterday was chock full of happenings involving the ASI presidential election, and this live…

Today's Top 5: From baseball rankings to ASI presidential debate

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] Catch up on what’s going down around campus today. 1. Cal Poly tabbed No. 1 by Collegiate Baseball Newspaper In a report released Monday, Collegiate Baseball Newspaper ranked Cal Poly’s baseball team No. 1 in the nation. However,…

Today's Top 5: From battlefield training to College of Business' new dean

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] Hot of the presses are these five stories you ought to see. 1. Going to war: ROTC’s leadership battlefield training During the first weekend of spring quarter, two Mustang News reporters got the opportunity to share…

Today's Top 5: From Hunger Games Pageant to Poly Royal Rodeo

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] 1. Nu Alpha Kappa to host ‘Hunger Games’-themed pageant to help child with leukemia May the odds be ever in the favor of Nu Alpha Kappa’s 13 Miss Greek Universe contestants. Awarded funds from the event will…

Today's Top 5: From riots at Deltopia to spying eyes

Start off this quarter the right way by keeping up with the latest campus news.

Today's Top 5: From shooting for the stars to prohibiting SAE pledging process

Put down the books for a break to catch up on these top campus stories.

Today's Top 5: From on-campus alcohol poisoning to engineering unit cap vote

Take a break from studying to catch up on today’s top news.

Today's Top 5: From campaign complications to party policy problems

Follow big breaking news sweeping the campus.

Today's Top 5: From softball suspensions to potential OCOB Deans

In between exhausting study sessions, take a quick break to stay tuned to today’s top stories.

Today's Top 5: From a comedy fest to potential ASI presidents

As the quarter dwindles down and duties pile, save time sifting through news with today’s top stories.