Getting involved in student organizations is one of the many benefits college has to offer. Among the numerous groups highly involved on Cal Poly’s campus are those in greek life. Cal Poly currently has 37 social fraternities and sororities active on…
Senior advice to lowerclassmen
Mustang News spoke to a number of seniors to find out what they have learned that they would pass on.
Multicultural Center events happening in the spring
Cross Cultural Centers Lead Coordinator Jose Leon is working to make memorable college experiences for Cal Poly students. “Coming to college is an amazing experience if you’re building a community and connected,” Leon said. “Part of our responsibility in the…
Students find competition and community in Super Smash Bros. fighting game
Pitting fan-favorite Nintendo characters in a 2-D arena, Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. video game does not immediately evoke a competitive atmosphere at first glance. However, here at Cal Poly’s campus, the SLO Smash Club holds competitions for smash every week.…