Mustang News Staff
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Temporary agreement reached to cover Moriarty’s name on Spanos scoreboard

The university previously referred to the name atop the scoreboard as a “painful reminder” to community members who had been affected by Moriarty.

Mustang News: Quarter in review

Mustang News anchors Ben King and Citlaly Santos review spring quarter’s biggest stories.

Architecture freshman dies driving home

The freshman “had an amazing year.”

Everything you need to know about the Master Plan

Anyone can submit their comments about the Master Plan to the university before June 13.

Breaking down the Master Plan, part seven: More diversity

Appealing to different ethnic and people groups through new food options and weekend and evening activities.

ASI proposes blocking freshmen into entire first year of classes

The registrar is considering blocking freshmen into their respective major and support courses for their entire first year at Cal Poly.

A year of analytics and awards

Here’s our year in numbers.

Mathias selected in third round of MLB draft, Mundell in seventh

Two Cal Poly players have been selected after 10 rounds.

Breaking down the Master Plan, part five: More students living on campus

Housing plan; more student, faculty and staff and single parent housing. Maybe a Greek Row as well.