Lauren Piraro
7 Articles0 Comments

3-D printing: Not just for scientists

3-D printing has become more available to the average person.

MultiCultural Center’s newest coordinators ready to develop ‘culturally competent’ students

Two MCC coordinators were hired Sept. 11, one with a passion for assisting Native American students, the other excited to help undocumented students.

Halloween costumes: Where to draw the line

There is a controversial side of Halloween: wearing costumes of other cultures that are not your own.

Food, henna and a cultural education: CultureFest 2014

Musical performances, cultural dances and ethnic food booths were just a few of many attractions at CultureFest.

Campus Climate Survey: The numbers, the successes, the problems

The survey indicated 1,410 respondents had experienced “exclusionary, intimidating, offensive and/or hostile conduct” at Cal Poly.

Up-and-coming ethnic studies club highlights importance of cultural education

The Comparative Ethnic Studies Association (CESA), an up and coming club, plans to further cultural consciousness on campus.

California redefines consensual sex for college students

The bill also mandates guidelines colleges and universities must follow when conducting investigations into sexual assault complaints.