Lauren Jeter
15 Articles0 Comments

Cheers to Fine Wine in Rhine

Perhaps you may have traveled to Munich one summer, where the beer flows like water and

A safari expedition with gorillas included

The hot African sun beat down as the safari explorers went out to bring back a prize.

Buy, sell, or drink – the economics of wine

Sometimes, when we sit down, relax and sip, we overlook all the hard work and resources

Tour de Wine: Perfect getaway for students

Well, wine enthusiasts, wine season is among us. But perhaps you have not yet taken

Got Flair? Wineries push memorabilia

Wine tickets: $30, Gas to the event: $10, Wine Flair: Priceless. What is Wine Flair?

Would you like some cheese with that wine?

You’ve had food.You’ve had wine. Combining the two, well that’s where it gets tricky.

Stop whining – wine season is here!

The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing and the clothes are being shed on campus

Whoever thought Monterey Street could be so much fun?

As I entered the door I was greeted by an oversized deli case filled with an

Putting the 'oh' in organics

Have you ever stopped to think about what you put in your body? With the rise of heart

Is Paso Robles the new Napa?

Everyone has gone through Paso Robles while traveling north, venturing to Target or perhaps even to tour the wineries off U.S. Highway…

They come from a land down under

Where women glow and men plunder. Can’t you hear, can’t you hear that thunder? You better