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CP students vote support for quarters

Laura Pezzini Wednesday’s student advisory vote was expected to show that Cal Poly students favor quarters over semesters, and it did exactly that, with the vast majority choosing quarters. Those in favor of staying on the quarter system took…

Campuses and concealed weapons

Laura Pezzini In a time when gun control is a high-profile issue, an important aspect of mass shootings is sometimes overlooked in the midst of federal and state arms legislature — that of weapon control on college campuses. The…

Semester Review Task Force open forum draws four students

Laura Pezzini Four students showed up to Wednesday’s general forum for semester review, along with several faculty and staff members. The forum, hosted by Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong, was held with the purpose of opening up questions about…

Cal Poly ‘starts by believing’

Laura Pezzini Heightened sensitivity to sexual assault at Cal Poly following several alleged incidents over the past few years has led local organizations to join forces with Start by Believing, an international campaign focused on improving public response to…

Inside Area 52

Laura Pezzini Since his first building proposal in 1985, College of Science and Mathematics Dean Phil Bailey has shown a penchant for creating things that will make a difference on campus. Twenty-eight years later, the dean’s passion is still shown in…

What’s your confession?

Laura Pezzini Have you ever had a secret so big, you just couldn’t help but share it? Maybe a secret crush you’re dying to admit to, or something you did that’s been weighing on you? Several hundred other Cal…

Tuition freeze bill in CA legislature

Laura Pezzini An assembly bill proposed Jan. 7 would prohibit tuition increases for California higher education institutions during the next seven years. Assembly Bill 67 (AB 67) would cover schools in the California State University (CSU), University of California (UC)…

Foothill bad for student foot, bike traffic

Laura Pezzini Concerns about safety at the intersection of Foothill and California boulevards have led to recent heightened awareness of the area from the San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD). The sheer amount of traffic running through the intersection…

Chico State University suspends all greek life

Laura Pezzini The recent death of a fraternity member led administration at California State University, Chico to suspend the school’s entire greek system until further evaluation earlier this month. Chico State student Mason Sumnicht died while pledging Sigma Pi…

Holiday hams from Cal Poly Meats

Laura Pezzini Cal Poly’s meat processing program is gearing up for Thanksgiving by promoting its “holiday hams,” which come from pigs raised on campus and are processed entirely by students in meat processing classes. Meat processing center manager Matthew…

Seismic testing proposal denied

Laura Pezzini T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Stop Ocean Blasting” peppered the crowd at the California Coastal Commission’s (CCC) meeting in Santa Monica on Wednesday, protesting seismic testing off the Central Coast. It seems they worked. The CCC denied…