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Men ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ to support sexual assault awareness

The clicking sound of high-heeled shoes filled Mission Plaza in downtown San Luis Obispo Saturday, but in this case, it was the men who wore the heels.

Brothers ‘Hope on Bikes’ to promote fair trade

Nutrition junior Garrett Morris likes an adventure.

“I’m always looking for something crazy to do,” he said.

His next project? Garrett plans on cycling across the United States this summer, joined by his brother, Humboldt State University alumnus Brandon Morris.

Fraternity raises $5,500 for Aware Awake Alive

Laura Pezzini Cal Poly fraternity Delta Sigma Phi raised $5,500 for the alcohol awareness organization Aware Awake Alive at the fraternity’s golf tournament philanthropy Friday. “(It) was awesome because it was about $500 more than last year,” Delta Sigma…

GrC department chair to retire at end of quarter

Laura Pezzini Harvey Levenson was always interested in design, but didn’t think to turn it into a career until a trial-and-error attempt at accounting showed him what he didn’t want to do. “That lasted for about a year,” Levenson…

Orfalea moves up in Bloomberg rankings

Laura Pezzini Cal Poly’s Orfalea College of Business was ranked No. 64 on the Bloomberg Businessweek magazine’s ranking of the nation’s top undergraduate business colleges, making 2013 the fifth consecutive year the college made the list. The Orfalea College…

Mustang Wireless secure, but difficult to access

Laura Pezzini Students logging on to wireless Internet on campus have noticed some changes in the network. Starting in fall, Information Technology Services (ITS) began implementing a more secure wireless network, but not without complaints from students. ITS Director…

Skateboarding, safety and ‘sweet talking’

Laura Pezzini Skateboarders on Cal Poly’s campus pride themselves on their ability to charm their way out of a citation. “I got pulled over like once, and I kinda talked him out of it,” Cal Poly Longboarding Association of…

Campus examines hazing policies

Laura Pezzini Hazing has become the subject of national conversation this week, in light of recent incidents across the country. Last week, twelve members of the marching band at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) were charged with manslaughter for…

Students ‘Move to Build’ PolyHouse

Laura Pezzini It’s not often college students are able to put their coursework to use in a philanthropic way, but for industrial and manufacturing engineering (IME) students, that opportunity has been made possible in the form of PolyHouse. In…

Unreported: Raising awareness of sexual assault

Laura Pezzini Two consecutive sexual assaults were reported near Cal Poly’s campus earlier this month, but nearly three weeks’ worth of investigation into the incidents hasn’t garnered much new information on the culprits. The investigation for these assaults is…

No CSU semester conversion plan

Laura Pezzini Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong met with California State University (CSU) Chancellor Timothy White last Wednesday, but no substantial ground was covered on the issue of semester conversion as had previously been expected. “They met last week,…