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Graduates go the road less traveled

Life after graduation is supposed to be full of mundane responsibilities, a “big-kid” job and a general resignation to adult life, right?

Not always.

Dress for success

While the career fair may be serious business, one of the first questions running through your head is probably a bit more superficial: “What am I going to wear?”

Deferred rush compromise brings changes

Cal Poly students will notice quite a few changes in the greek system starting this fall, courtesy of several new policies resulting from a compromise to end deferred recruitment for Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternities.

Cal Poly resists MOOC craze

A new wave in education has started to hit universities, and may eventually affect Cal Poly students.

Guide to Cal Poly administration

Photo by Maggie Kaiserman Mustang Daily Staff Report [follow id=”mustangdaily”] Office of the President President Jeffrey Armstrong Starting his second full school term with Cal Poly this fall, Armstrong is the highest level of authority at Cal Poly. The president…

The trials and tribulations of engagement during college

Business administration junior Katie Hill didn’t come to Cal Poly expecting to find the person she would spend the rest of her life with. Then, she met chemistry senior Paul Smith.

New developments for University Police Department

University Police Department (UPD) Chief George Hughes has seen quite a bit of change in the eight months he has worked at Cal Poly.

Calif. budget still uncertain

California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed his 2013-14 revised California state budget plan Tuesday, showing a potential surplus which has caused much debate over whether the money should be delegated to government programs, or held on reserve.

Retiring vice president leaves ‘big shoes to fill’

Cal Poly chief financial officer and senior vice president for administration and finance Larry Kelley refers to his 11 years at the university as an adventure.

Greek Week kicks off with Beach Day

Cal Poly kicked off its annual weeklong competition between teams of fraternities and sororities with a Beach Day on Saturday at Pismo State Beach.

Provost proposes restructuring, sustainability for honors program

The Cal Poly Honors Program has been the center of controversy recently because of Provost Kathleen Enz Finken’s announcement that she intends to create a restructured and more sustainable program, even if that means first closing the current program.