Katie Koschalk
40 Articles0 Comments

Driving under the influence of a cell phone

A study by psychologists at the University of Utah found that subjects who talk on the phone show the same signs of impaired driving as when they drove intoxicated.

BLOG: Don’t forget to eat those carbohydrates

As the saying goes, “you are what you eat,” but how about what you don’t eat? While cutting out carbohydrates from a diet might whittle down one’s mid-section, it could leave people with decreased memory skills, according to a study by Tufts University.

Cal Poly Organic Farm gives back

With 11 acres, a van named Helmut “the tank” Lopez and fresh, and organic produce daily, the Cal Poly Organic Farm is different from your average farm. “Our mission is to educate students about sustainable farming,” said manager Cindy Douglas. “It’s not about selling vegetables.”

BLOG: Bruno pushes social limits

I went to see Bruno on Friday, the opening night, and was surprised when the man checked my I.D. at the door. After watching the first scene, however, it became clear why.

Sherwood returns to Downtown Brew Co.

Local indie band Sherwood returns to San Luis Obispo to play a show with rock band Copeland at Downtown Brew tonight.

BLOG: Medicine advances could increase life span

In his most recent medical accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Atala has successfully created cells, tissues and organs for patients by using the patients’ very own cells to create new body parts.

SLO Criterium returns to race downtown

The third consecutive SLO Criterium Central Coast Cycling Classic, a bike race and festival, will take place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 5. Over 600 racers of all abilities will be coming from all over the U.S. to compete for a portion of the $11,000 in prize money.