Katie Koschalk
40 Articles0 Comments

Geeked on greek? Look before you leap

Rachel stood back and watched as her sorority sisters were forced to take shots with dead goldfish in them, dress up in revealing outfits, fake sexual noises and acts, strip for fraternity guys, participate in drunken swimming relays and get lap dances from fraternity guys.

“There were about 50 girls in my pledge class. We were thrown together not knowing anyone.

Professors prefer face time to Facebook

Despite an increase in opportunities for student-professor relationships outside the traditional educational setting with the use of Facebook, most people agree that maintaining a separation between professional and social lives is important.

BLOG: Business and economic students limited to one concentration

Business and economics students will no longer be able to declare more than one concentration due to budget cuts.

BLOG: Why textbooks prevail over a Kindle

The invention of Amazon’s Kindle DX is now in the market to replace paper books, I personally would never replace my heaps of textbooks for one.

BLOG: Swine flu vaccine produces no harmful side effects

Human testing of the swine flu vaccine has shown that there are no dangerous side effects, health officials announced yesterday.

Facility services reduced campus-wide

This fall, Cal Poly Facility Services will be reducing the frequency of landscaping, custodial and building maintenance services across campus in response to a 14 percent cut in its budget.

BLOG: Social Security numbers not so secure

Your Social Security number is your personal code contained in many important documents: medical records, insurance files, job applications, banking accounts and college applications, to name a few. This nine-digit number, however, might not be as personal as some people…

Facebook: A college graduate’s accomplice or enemy?

Students’ Facebook profiles can work for or against them when employers look to social networking sites to prescreen potential employees.

BLOG: Forever 21 offers trendy, inexpensive clothing

I am not a big shopper. Last Friday, however, my girly shopping gene was stimulated when I went to Forever 21.

Off-campus housing seeing a downturn

Off-campus housing complexes in San Luis Obispo are noticing increased vacancies due to the introduction of on-campus housing complex, Poly Canyon Village. Poly Canyon Village has filled all of its 2,620 spots for this fall.

BLOG: Why “boomerang kids” move home

“Boomerang kids.” It’s a new term created to describe a student who leaves home to go off to college, receives a degree and then comes a knockin’ on their parents’ door.