71 Articles3 Comments

Living in the newsroom, loving it

The average Mustang Daily employee spends at least 15 to 20 hours a week in the newsroom. For myself and the editors, it is more like 30 to 40 hours a week. And, unfortunately, most of these hours fall during…

Trust me, I'm a reporter

I’ve never really sat down to think about just how much trust is put into reporters. I guess it’s because I’ve spent most of my journalism career being a reporter myself, so I just knew it was there. From the…

Karlee Prazak: No judging

The Mustang Daily experienced a lot of changes this summer. While the majority of campus was enjoying lazy days, we were redesigning the paper to ease the transition from tabloid to broadsheet — the latter is the longer version you…

Kiva helping lives one donation at a time

Kiva changes lives worldwide by allowing willing donors to temporarily loan to struggling business owners.

The ties that bind graduates to Cal Poly

When asked, graduating Class of 2011 members reply with anything from excitement, to hesitation, to slight sadness at the thought of leaving behind a life as a Mustang for one in the working world.

ASI biweekly meeting

Associated Students Inc. held its last biweekly Board of Directors meeting last night.

LMFAO brings party rock style to Avila Beach

LMFAO came to party rock the sold out crowd at the Avila Beach Party Friday night, and that is exactly what the duo and their Party Rock Crew did.

SlutWalk San Luis Obispo

San Luis Obispo SlutWalk participants walked through downtown San Luis Obispo May 28 to take a stance against blaming victims of sexual assaults.

ASI Biweekly Update

The ASI Board of Directors held its second-to-last biweekly meeting last night.

Moving on up? Water polo players say the team doesn’t want to become a NCAA sport

Although women’s club water polo is one of the more successful athletic programs at Cal Poly, members of the team insist they play the sport as a hobby and academics come first.

Engineers are artists, too — ‘Achievers’ exhibit proves engineering is art

The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art (SLOMA) will prove engineering is an art this month with the exhibit “The Achievers: The Art of Engineering (Making Stuff that Works).”