71 Articles3 Comments

Doing the staff shuffle

Throughout the year, current Mustang Daily staff is constantly reminded of past staff. Whether it’s telling someone to check an article written by a former reporter or hearing from a potential source that “in the past the Mustang Daily has…

Avenue to better dining on campus

Before I start, I’d just like to say Campus Dining has provided many meals for me in my four years at Cal Poly. On-campus food is a savior when I wake up late for an early class, plan on being…

CP wine fest ends sour

My taste in wine is nothing to brag about. As long as the bottle is somewhere between Trader Joe’s infamous two-buck chuck and $10, I think it’s delicious. One day, if my paycheck permits it, I might bump my price…

Sad event shakes Cal Poly, MD staff

To kick off spring break, my Facebook newsfeed and Instagram were both filled with fun updates and photos of friends going to Mexico, Paris or even the Bahamas. The Friday leading into my spring break, however, was not joyous. It…

Students say 'Yes' to 'Success'

Cal Poly students voted in favor of the proposed Student Success Fee yesterday, but the results were close. Of the 7,622 student who voted, 56.93 percent voted in favor and 43.07 percent voted against. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) president Kiyana Tabrizi…

Registration haunts dead week thoughts

It’s dead week, and I’m still holding a grievance about registration week. It’s probably because I went around bragging about only having two more classes left at Cal Poly, only to go to my adviser and find out I had…

Why not 'reply to all'

After a long day of school, I was sitting in my living room with two of my roommates finishing up some work, when one of them asked if my other roommate and I had Gmail accounts. That set us off…

Mustang piggies take on Halloween deals

I’ve said this before, but to prove my point, I’ll say it again — the Mustang Daily staff spends a lot of time together. Whether it be in the newsroom, at The Ave or just exchanging emails and texts on…

Student hit by van while walking to class

  A Cal Poly student was hit by a white van in a restricted driving zone while walking to class today at 8 a.m. Mathematics junior Sarah Ortiz said she was crossing the street from the path that runs along…

Viva Orlando

Paper last week was good, right? I hope the staff and I have been keeping you up-to-date on current happenings around SLO, and the greater U.S. That being said, keep an eye out this week because there is some more…

Newsworthy newsroom, week 5

This past week was full of what myself and the rest of the Mustang Daily staff would consider very newsworthy times. Not only did the paper already have a busy week with two special editions, which are editions of the…