Jon Monteith
19 Articles0 Comments

A new hope for Star Wars fans: Comics!

However, these last few years my interest in Star Wars has waned. I’ve sort of moved on to newer nerd things, like comic books, and I don’t really think I’ll ever read another Star Wars novel.

Retcon has staying power

Originally, each Green Lantern had a laughably terrible weakness: the color yellow. In the 1960s, many superheroes had some awful weaknesses, so for the times it wasn’t too awful.

Hellboy Gets Even Weirder

I’m fairly sure that Hellboy needs no introduction, but for all of you who may have been living under a rock, Hellboy is basically the most badass comic book character ever, created by Mike Mignola.

Finding where you belong isn’t hard at all

I’m a dude and I have to admit “Good-Bye, Chunky Rice” is frickin’ adorable. I don’t know how Thompson does it but every character in this story is disgustingly cute.

Some nice things to say about “Nothing Nice to Say”

The comic centers on poking fun at the general humorlessness that the punk rock scene generally has. From safety pins to dumpster diving, mosh pits and yes, even hating the government, all are poked fun at in this great comic.

‘Help is on the Way’ delivers off-the-wall advice

Are you in need of some adrenaline-fueled advice on how to be a badass? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then my bet is that you are in need of “Help is on the Way” by Scott Meyer.

Hell hath no fury like a nerd’s scorn

So as you may recall, I reviewed the somewhat recent series “Batman R.I.P.” a while back and thought it was completely terrible. Well, rest assured the stuff DC is putting out right now isn’t any better. Spoiler Alert: Batman is “dead.”

More Than Just Marvel’s Batman Clone

So I figured that it is a new quarter and it’s time for me to do something new: review a Marvel comic. For all of you Marvel comics fans out there I’m sorry, but most of the comics that Marvel…

Comic column: The dangers of obsession

I was at a loss when trying to decide what I should write about this week; I feel like I’ve reviewed quite a few superhero comics as of late, probably more than any normal human being could handle, save a handful of dorks (myself included). I finally decided to share my favorite graphic novel: “Blankets,” written and illustrated by Craig Thompson.

Crime is a disease, we’re a chalky-tasting medicine

Back when I was a kid I would play on my dad’s Power Mac for hours. I remember faking sick all the time to stay home and play my favorite LucasArts adventure games, like “Sam & Max Hit the Road.”

Cal Poly needs to use some sustainability ‘strategery’

Two weeks ago thousands of students, faculty, staff and community members attended Focus the Nation: Building a Sustainable Economy. The attendance for the three-day event was impressive, but not nearly as significant as the number of people who chose to voice their opinion on what Cal Poly should do to become a more sustainable university.