I would like to take the time to expound on my last letter regarding conservative political theory. In it, I stated that almost all conservative policy is derived in some way or another from the issues of responsibility and accountability.…
My last letter was a Public Service Announcement
In order to create a strawman, I would need to be arguing with you. Since this is not the case, I have built no strawmen. I wanted to point out that there are other crimes for which you can be…
Murderers are not the only ones who get the death penalty
Mr. Cumblidge, In your letter that took to task Mr. Ingram for “a lack of depth of scholarly inquiry,” you gave the impression that only murderers can be put to death in this country. Under various states’ constitutions, people can…
The real definition of slander
Hey Michael, I can’t believe you spent the entire first half of your letter (Soapbox Diaries or Slander?) bragging about how you looked up “slander,” but still got the definition wrong. Unreal. Slander is the oral communication of injurious statements…