Local duo The Honey Trees dropped its full-length album, Bright Fire, this past April 8.
Stats show uneventful 4/20 at Cal Poly
Cal Poly University Police Department numbers say there was only one marijuana citation on 4/20 between 2011-2014.
Cal Poly calls on 'Bini again
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President Jason Colombini is finishing up his last few weeks at Cal Poly, but another family member will soon step into the spotlight.
Mustang News, April 30, 2014: Science-based degrees fighting unit cap, a look inside ROTC training
Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.
Mustangs' slide continues with 11-4 loss to No. 17 Pepperdine
No. 3 Cal Poly lost its third straight game on Tuesday.
Relay for Life turns campus purple
The Cal Poly Relay for Life crew tied purple ribbons around trees and posts, and left chalk messages such as #beatcancer and #jointhefight on the ground around Dexter Lawn and the Julian A. McPhee University Union (UU) Plaza.
Comedian Iliza Shlesinger takes on the MAC
Kat Gore Special to Mustang News NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” winner, Iliza Shlesinger, will perform on April 29 from 8-10 p.m. at Cal Poly’s Multi Activity Center. Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Special Events Student Assistant Arin Miller booked Shlesinger to…
Men's basketball met NCAA tournament eligibility requirements despite report
A March 17 Associated Press article misleadingly named the team as one of eight that failed NCAA academic requirements for tourney teams.
Today's Top 5: From men walking in heels to the new housing project on Grand
Hannah Joslin [follow id=”joslin_hannah”] 1. City Council vets call for cooperation between Cal Poly and City Council The rift between Cal Poly and the San Luis Obispo City Council over the proposed student housing on Grand Avenue isn’t over. 2. Men rock…
ATOG celebrates Asian Pacific Islander Month with "SuperB"
ATOG features poet Brian “SuperB” Oliva” on May 7.