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Some things never change

Twenty years after this spoof ad ran in a humor edition of the paper, sightings of President Warren Baker are still rare for most students. The Mustang Daily recently caught up with the president of 28 years to ask him some of those tough questions:

Mustang Daily: When students say that they don’t know their university president, how do you address that?

President Baker: I try as often as I can.

Arnold visits SLO, draws hundreds of protesters

San Luis Obispo County residents put Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the spot Thursday at the Madonna Inn with questions about four of the eight propositions that will appear on Tuesday’s special election ballot.

Despite his intention to rally support, Schwarzenegger’s visit pulled in hundreds of local protesters who picketed outside the inn, waving signs and chanting “SLO says no” as cars drove by, many of them honking in approval.

The real No. 1 fan

Scott Kirkish didn’t hesitate when asked who exactly is considered a Mustang Maniac.

In fact, the president of Cal Poly’s student spirit group didn’t have to name anyone in particular.

“Officially, every Cal Poly student is in the group,” said Kirkish, who has guided Mustang Maniacs since the fall of 2005.

Be yourself when playing the dated dating game

When I’m around other twenty-somethings chatting indiscriminately about relationships, I have no qualms referring to my significant other as my boyfriend.

But at certain times, usually around the older and wiser, the word “boyfriend” sounds awkward coming out of my mouth.

The Wild Pitch

By all indications, the Cal Poly volleyball program is experiencing its best season since 1985.

That’s when the Mustangs were 31-8 overall and 15-2 in the now-defunct Pacific Coast Athletic Association on their way to an NCAA Tournament Northwest Regional appearance.

Poly volleyball team moves up in poll; football stays

In a pair of polls released Monday, the Cal Poly volleyball team moved up one spot while the football team stayed put.

After its 30-17, 30-22, 30-27 sweep of visiting Big West Conference rival UC Santa Barbara, Cal Poly (14-4, 6-0) moved from No. 20 to 19 in the American Volleyball Coaches Association/College Sports TV poll.

Mrs. Doubtfire becomes 'Man of the Year'

Do you ever get the feeling that some weeks are better than others? Last week was “Employee of the Month,” this week is “Man of the Year.” Somehow going from “month” to “year” was all it took to help us forget Jessica Simpson’s existence and savor Robin Williams’ return to comedy.

Sounds from Sunday night

One of the most rewarding things my music will ever give me is a big huge hug. And then we will sit there and cuddle, eat popcorn and watch movies late into the night. I’ll feel warmer and happier than I did during any other moment of my day.

This is the reason why so many people followed the Ghost Mice/Matty Pop Chart tour into San Luis Obispo Sunday night.

The Bunion: 'Bike Police' fine biker in violation of No Bike Zones

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA – Campus Officer Ted Lomax broke sweat on Monday by furiously pedaling out of his ambush spot in pursuit of freshman student Lori Prince, who was fined $1,125 for failing to walk her bike through three different walk-bike zones and resisting arrest.

Classic cars convene at Pismo

Streets lined with classic cars, food and game booths and live music are all things that trigger memories of car shows. This weekend, Pismo had its own show to make some memories for the people of the city.

The event lasted three days and each one was different.

SLO kicks off Rideshare Week; students weigh options

As traffic congestion and lack of adequate parking continues to grow at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo County aims to ease the overcrowding this week. Today marks the beginning of Rideshare Week – the county’s annual campaign to promote carpooling and alternative means of transportation.