I couldn’t help but overhear the following on election night: “Yes, we won! It’s about time.”
I find myself confused. About time for what? I presume change, but what change will we see over two years? Certainly the media’s grandstanding will dominate the headlines for the next few weeks, but once their ratings drop and they again begin to report on the “news,” what REAL change can we expect?
Will the fighting in Iraq suddenly come to an end? Will the Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites realize that the Democrats are now in control and set aside their differences? Are the troops on their way home? Are the millions of illegal Mexican immigrants making a mass exodus back across our open and unguarded southern border? Have the “working poor” found better jobs and moved up the social ladder to join the rest of society? Do we suddenly have a comprehensive and complete national health-care plan?
In so many words, no.